By Karen Oropeza (Fort Worth, TX)
“I am so glad you come home in two more days,” my mom said to me eagerly last night during our conversation. “No, I don’t mom.” I replied. “I return in three days." Instantly, I held my breath and a silent moment followed. I gathered my thoughts and questioned myself, “What day is it today?” Caught up in workshops, writing, and conversations with fellow SJP students, I realized I had lost track of the days, and now faced the reality that in just two more days, I would be packing my bags and returning to Texas. But to say simply that I was a part of workshops, writing, and conversations is an understatement.
I have become a part of a family that is incredibly diverse in cultural backgrounds, knowledgeable in an array of fields, but most importantly, highly passionate about their professions. What I have learned from the directors, guest speakers, and professionals is that passion drives success. Without passion, you lack initiative to work, research, or write.
My only desire is that someday—no matter what career I choose to pursue—I will be as passionate as the staff of SJP so that my audience, boss, students, or whomever it may be I work with, will be influenced by my work.
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